Autumn Covid Vaccine
Our practice is one of a handful in the area who are offering the Covid Vaccine along with the Flu Vaccine in practice this year.
Our clinics will be available from early October.
We will be sending text invites out soon and running clinics side by side – Covid only or Covid and Flu or Flu only.
Please look out for the texts – they will be landing in your inbox in early September!!
If you have been notified that you are eligible for a C-19 autumn booster you can book an appointment using the following link Book or manage a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination – NHS ( or by calling ‘119’ if you do not have internet access. Your GP surgery can no longer book or cancel an appointment for you over the phone.
Those that are not able to use text you can call 119 to arrange your appointment. Those that are housebound please call us and we will arrange the visit for you.