Patient Access
Online services allow you to:
- book, check or cancel appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional
- order repeat prescriptions
- see parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results
- see communications between your GP Medical Centre and other services, such as hospitals
How to register for Online Services
If you have not used our online services before you will need to:
- Come to the Surgery and provide photo ID so we can confirm your identity and the receptionist will then issue you with a username and password.
- Enter Patient Access and enter your registration details exactly as shown on the form.
- After registering, log on with your username and password.
You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record and more.
What the NHS App does
- get advice about coronavirus – get information about coronavirus and find out what to do if you think you have it.
- order repeat prescriptions – see your available medicines, request a new repeat prescription and choose a pharmacy for your prescriptions to be sent to.
- book appointments – search for, book and cancel appointments at your GP surgery, and see details of your upcoming and past appointments.
- check your symptoms – search trusted NHS information and advice on hundreds of conditions and treatments, and get instant advice or medical help near you.
- register your organ donation decision – choose to donate some or all of your organs and check your registered decision.
- find out how the NHS uses your data – choose if data from your health records is shared for research and planning.
- view parts of your GP record – including information about medication, allergies, vaccinations, previous illnesses and test results.
If you’re a patient at our practice you can use the new NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.
Non-urgent advice: Having Problems?
You can still contact the practice by phone or in person, this is just another option, which other patients have found is more convenient and saves them time. More information including “how to” leaflets and videos of patients and why they are using GP online services are available at
Proxy Access Patient Guidance
Prospective (future) Access
NHS England and agreed to specific changes in the GP contract; one being (ii) all patients will have online access to their full record.
The practice is live with this so anyone with the NHS App will have access to all their prospective records.
Please see the following links for further details:
- Using online services – NHS (
- Abbreviations you may find in your health records – NHS App help and support – NHS (
Your GP may refuse access to your medical records online if:
- A health professional thinks seeing the records would be seriously harmful to your physical or mental health.
- The records also relate to someone else.
- Entries have been redacted from your record due to exemptions set out under data protection legislation.