
A carer is someone of any age who provides unpaid support to family or friends who could not manage without this help. This could be caring for a relative, partner or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or substance misuse problems.

Hylton Medical Group realises the important and demanding role that carer’s play in supporting those that they care for and are keen to ensure carers are supported in their caring role, even when the person they are caring for is not a patient of the practice.

It is important that you let us know if you are a carer as we can offer personalised support for you as well as our patients receiving care.

We work closely with Sunderland Carers’ Centre and, between us, can offer health advice and reviews, free flu vaccinations, support with your caring and the carers’ centre can even help with carer breaks and opportunity schemes.

Please let one of our reception or clinical team know or you can download our Carer Identification and Referral Form  to complete and hand in at reception. 

Click on the link below:

The Sunderland Carers’ website has a huge amount of information on it and can be accessed on the hyperlink below:

Are You a Young Carer? 

A young carer is somebody aged 5 to 25 years old who lives in a household with somebody who has a long term illness, mental health illness, disability or addiction that impacts upon that young person. Although you may not think of yourself as a carer, it is important that you can access any help you need. 

We are particularly keen to support young carers and hope you will let us know about your role.

There is a special website for young carers in Sunderland, packed full of useful information and support – click on the link below:

Carers Links

There is a wealth of information on NHS Choices about carers and caring. Below are some links into the site that we hope you will find useful.

Caring responsibilities can make it difficult to maintain friendships or develop new ones. Telling your friends you’re a carer is important so they understand and can support you.

Caring for someone can be a full-time job, but it’s essential that you take time out for yourself too. Read our guide to accessing breaks and respite.

Do you know your tenancy rights as a carer? Are you aware of all your care at home options? Do you need tips on moving someone around the home?

Contact Carers Direct

Telephone: 0808 802 0202

Website: Carersdirect


Office Hours: 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday, 11am to 4pm at weekends. Calls are free from UK landlines.

Help claiming benefits, looking after your bank balance and understanding the legal issues of caring.

  • Benefits for carers – Directing carers to the benefits that can help them in their caring role.

How your benefits maybe affected after the death of the person you look after and what happens to their benefits.

Managing someone’s legal affairs.

Advice for when carers find they have to take over the legal affairs of the person they are looking after.

Other benefits.

Advice for carers and the people they are looking after on claiming a whole host of other benefits unrelated to their disability or caring.

Personal and household finance.

Advice on keeping a tight rein on household and personal finance for carers.

Social fund.

  • Tax credits – Information on claiming tax credits and whether you might be eligible.